Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mr. Winkle Wakes response

        After watching Mr. Winkle Wakes, it definitely got me thinking about the modern world in relation to today's classroom. In the video, Mr. Winkle wakes up from a 100 year nap to our world today. He sees technology everywhere he goes and he begins to feel lost and sick. He goes everywhere from the office to the hospital and sees this confusing invention everywhere. Everywhere except one place: school. 
        When Mr. Winkle arrives at school, he sees that the classroom is just like it was 100 years ago. Students were seated in rows of desks aligned in a classroom. They sat there the entire day listening to a teacher lecture. He noticed there was a computer at the back of the room, covered in dust and not being used and he was comforted by this, as he did not know how to use it.         
         I think about what Mr. Winkle saw in the classroom and that is a typical classroom today. The students sit through a boring lecture and teachers rarely incorporate technology into those lectures. If this is the case, how will these students know how to use the world's technology anymore than Mr. Winkle did? In a world full of technology it is becoming more and more important for students to have knowledge of how to use technology in order to succeed in life. I believe that teachers should use the technology they are provided with in order to prepare their students for the future and to keep their lessons invigorating for their students. As a teacher, I will keep this in mind with every lesson I prepare.                                         

1 comment:

  1. I love your last paragraph. I completely agree. Teachers need to start diversifying the class, and the best place to start is with technology. I very much agree that students need to learn how use technology to succeed in life. That is all that the "real world" is made up of! Great blog! =)
